In today changed world, safety and security is base human needs, and in recent years ensuring of health and safety have been an International and national issue. Quality and safety factors of Messaoud Persian Company begin its control before raw materials to the factory and arrival of materials with different physical and chemical testing. Food industry standard is in accordance with the latest standards of food industries. Food safety and quality achieve during the improvement of product and according to consumer needs for safety and regulatory. Company of Messaoud Persian intends to create “quality” for all products of Kalis proudly. By inserting combinations of raw materials on products, Kais make sure to consumer that use of high quality products. Company of Messaoud Persian provides possibilities that can promptly respond to questions, problems and their consumer’s comments. Phone numbers and addresses on all products of Kalis Company enable the consumer to communicate with company, and is proud to attract the consumerisms’ attention and has been successful to reflect in opinion and their satisfaction so far.